Netradicionāli orientētais mūziķis Kaspars Blūms-Blūmanis, jeb Kašers, izšķīries ar savu mīļoto vīrieti.

Šķiršanās no Artura Sokolova viņam ne tikai likusi izdzēst visas kopbildes, bet arī radījusi pārdomas par dzīvi, kuras Kašers izklāstījis savā Instagram.

''Cilvēki tevi uzmetīs. Tu strīdēsies ar savu ģimeni. Tu piedzīvosi lietas, kas mainīs tevi uz visiem laikiem. Tu vainosi jaunos mīļotos par lietām, ko darījuši iepriekšējie mīlnieki,'' spriež Kašers.

''Būt skaistam nozīmē būt sev pašam,'' pārdomas rezumē mākslinieks.

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This is life. People will screw you over. You’ll fight with your family. You’ll witness things that will change you forever. You’ll blame new lovers for things old lovers did. You’ll lose best friends you thought would always be there. You’ll come to realize that everyone has a past. You’ll cry, you’ll laugh, and you’ll embarrass yourself. But then, you’ll find your very own moment where none of that matters; where you can sit back and realize that crap happens to the people who can handle it and this is who you are, and that no one should want to change you, including yourself! To be beautiful means to be yourself! ✌? #naked #me #myself #I #alone #returnigtomyself #men #man #guy #gay #tattoos #hoscos #life #Godisgreat #Catania #Sicily #holidays #acceptance #amazing #male

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